Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Self actualisation and the journey itself

There's alot of changes in my surroundings and my life. Apparently old disputes were solved, which I'm so thankful for and kinda enjoying life as it is because I'm doing what I love . :)
Nowadays I'm kind of self aware about my actions already and how people view me as. Anyway, I kind of can't wait and at the same time, can't bear to leave poly. Why? My poly life has been a really meaningful one. I've made so many friends, lost quite a few too, and the best of all, learnt alot about myself. And in fact, I really believe in some things:

  1. Your current life and how you are is shaped by the things that you have done during the past 3 years
  2. What you are doing with your life now will determine how you are in future
  3. And as 某某人said, how you are like in future is determined by your 5 closest friends around you
Also, I feel that if things are meant to be, they will be, and true friends are people who accept who you are, or even if they don't, will let you know so that you can improve yourself better.Constructive criticism of course, are what improve oneself. Haha. I actually really like the project management's Maslow's last law which is self actualisation.

"What a man can be he must be"
So yeah! We are good in where we are now which is in school, but that alone is not enough! Many fail to realise this actually. But if everyone managed to realise this, the world would be kind of an odd place haha.

Well I'm kind of still discovering more about the path I want to take haha. But I kind of made up my mind to go UK to study le bah. I want to immerse myself into a different environment as well as meet different people. 

Anyway, I guess the main thing is, have focus bah ^^ focus with the end in mind. Things come and go, but at the end of the day, you yourself will be the one who will support yourself for life, not those things. 

Monday, May 26, 2014


Been a long time since I've blogged~
Anyway why I'm blogging today is because it's really come to a point where you realise who your true friends actually are.
It's quite interesting that there are friends that you thought you were really close friends with, but apparently you're not, and everyone that you meet after is just as 'important' to you.
Oh wells, but I really do miss the times months back. Really amazing memories but those memories are sadly just memories that will fade away maybe?

I now really realise who my true friends are, and I'm truly thankful for them. I can really tell them so many things without the fear of being judged by my own bout of thoughts.

I also realised over just this short span of time that people can be that heartless. Like seriously, I never could have imagined that there were this type of people that existed. I'm probably drowning in a world of hope that I failed to see what it really is.

Aside from that, regarding wavelength, I think my mind is too weird to be on the same wavelength as many people now haha. But I'm still glad I found this small little group of weirdos that I can talk to xD. Ohwellllll.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life's every moment

It's been a long time already. I'm actually amazed at how much I can endure. Also amazed at how heartless some people are. I'm wondering why is that so actually.

Anyway, I've recently felt like I appreciate life's little obstacles so far. Life's getting better in terms of the things that have surrounded me everyday. Shapes me into a better person I believe?

Recently am so busy that I don't have time to sit down and think about life as often as I would have to haha. I really keep emphasizing on this, thank goodness for friends :D .

Sadly, this semester there's FYP, and with FYP means that I'm seeing less of my clique of good friends everyday :( . Plus, things have changed so so much over just a short span of 3 months lol.

It's a good thing that my mind is always preoccupied by thoughts of being sucessful haha! But then again it always leads back to the same thought again.

Besides that, I recently feel that I feel so different from everyone else haha. Well everyone is different definitely, but it is so hard to find someone on the same wavelength recently. Maybe that's because I'm taking the path less travelled by?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hello~ I'm blogging again cos I'm bored haha. Recently I've been a little downcast and stuff and for the worst reason I'd ever want to have. :( I wish I could read minds haha. That would solve things way better.

Anyway, on the bright side, is that I really have good friends that I can confide in. ^^ So appreciative of them.. I would've gone crazy without them.
But seriously... I don't understand how can anyone on earth be like that lol. I can only blame myself for being stupid then, really stupid. This thing really appears in my dreams like all the time lol, it's really inescapable lor. I'll pray for the better though ~

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Haha, Hello!
I'm finally blogging after so long! & for a quick update, I'm in London now! :D
Everyone thinks we are enjoying ourselves everyday playing e.t.c hahhaha, but not really lah.
Anyway, recently I feel like I've been going through a revelation. A really really big step in my life. I am so so appreciative to the people that have been helping me develop my character, cos that's one thing that I really feel I need to work on a lot. Having gone through a few of these 'lessons' really made me have a shift in paradigm, like in a genuinely good way, not in a way that isn't supported and backed by baseless arguments. Oh well, this really makes me feel like going through more failures! Because going through failures really shapes people, and from what I've learnt so far, it really is the journey to success that is the most valuable one, and not the success itself.

Okay, back to the lighthearted less deep stuff hahhaha. Here are some of the photos! :D

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The secret

Hello! Finally blogging again! :)
Basically these few days I'm trying to improve myself!
Improve in what way? Improve in skills + mindset!

There's this book I'm currently reading, called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It actually talks about the law of attraction. What exactly is the law of attraction? It is believed that whatever thoughts you have in your mind will attract events of that same frequency. Really good read so far.
Thankful to have been introduced this book by Fuxing and Kenneth :)

Anyway, now to blog about my week so far. WSD paper is finally over! Woohoo! That was on a Wednesday! And the photo below is of the yummy Bak Kut Teh I had with my awesome classmates at Westgate! Damn filling and there was so much leftover of You Tiao! A pity though, since You Tiao dipped in soup is so yummy! Was supposed to eat Thai Food near Sajit's house, but was too far tho.

Besides that, had dinner yesterday at Table Manners Changi City Point with the gl kia Kenneth! I think the meal was really good! Because I finally got to try the mushroom ragout!

 Truffle Fries - Yummy!

Chicken something something LOL . Kenneth's dish

Baked Salmon with Miso Mayo Sauce + Mashed Potato and Mushroom Ragout!

Actually, if I were to compare the lunch and the dinner menu, I think Table manners is a nicer place to go for lunch rather than dinner. Nevertheless, had a good meal! And surprisingly Kenneth doesn't know how to use credit cards..... lol!! 

Anyway, plot twist was that he ended up treating me!!! awwww, thanks Kenenth! + all that advice which have been very helpful! 

Which actually brings me to being grateful to all my friends! Honestly feel that my poly life was an extremely enriching one. I have learnt so much here, and met so many of really good friends that I will never stop being thankful about.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


The start of today was a drag to begin with, but what made my day and made me think: What have I been thinking the whole time?
It was something that I received in the image below.

The firsts of many.

It expressed what I hadn't dared to say for quite some time, and everything in that actually pretty much solved all the problems I weighed down in my heart. It's amazing how much those few lines and thoughts can convey and make me feel like really, yknow, starting a shift in paradigm, which is why I tried doing the #100happydays thing because I was so happy. :) 

Who said going back to square one was impossible? I was so afraid that it wasn't possible, and now it is! :) I feel so blessed today. 

Thank you ^^