Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life's every moment

It's been a long time already. I'm actually amazed at how much I can endure. Also amazed at how heartless some people are. I'm wondering why is that so actually.

Anyway, I've recently felt like I appreciate life's little obstacles so far. Life's getting better in terms of the things that have surrounded me everyday. Shapes me into a better person I believe?

Recently am so busy that I don't have time to sit down and think about life as often as I would have to haha. I really keep emphasizing on this, thank goodness for friends :D .

Sadly, this semester there's FYP, and with FYP means that I'm seeing less of my clique of good friends everyday :( . Plus, things have changed so so much over just a short span of 3 months lol.

It's a good thing that my mind is always preoccupied by thoughts of being sucessful haha! But then again it always leads back to the same thought again.

Besides that, I recently feel that I feel so different from everyone else haha. Well everyone is different definitely, but it is so hard to find someone on the same wavelength recently. Maybe that's because I'm taking the path less travelled by?