Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Self actualisation and the journey itself

There's alot of changes in my surroundings and my life. Apparently old disputes were solved, which I'm so thankful for and kinda enjoying life as it is because I'm doing what I love . :)
Nowadays I'm kind of self aware about my actions already and how people view me as. Anyway, I kind of can't wait and at the same time, can't bear to leave poly. Why? My poly life has been a really meaningful one. I've made so many friends, lost quite a few too, and the best of all, learnt alot about myself. And in fact, I really believe in some things:

  1. Your current life and how you are is shaped by the things that you have done during the past 3 years
  2. What you are doing with your life now will determine how you are in future
  3. And as 某某人said, how you are like in future is determined by your 5 closest friends around you
Also, I feel that if things are meant to be, they will be, and true friends are people who accept who you are, or even if they don't, will let you know so that you can improve yourself better.Constructive criticism of course, are what improve oneself. Haha. I actually really like the project management's Maslow's last law which is self actualisation.

"What a man can be he must be"
So yeah! We are good in where we are now which is in school, but that alone is not enough! Many fail to realise this actually. But if everyone managed to realise this, the world would be kind of an odd place haha.

Well I'm kind of still discovering more about the path I want to take haha. But I kind of made up my mind to go UK to study le bah. I want to immerse myself into a different environment as well as meet different people. 

Anyway, I guess the main thing is, have focus bah ^^ focus with the end in mind. Things come and go, but at the end of the day, you yourself will be the one who will support yourself for life, not those things.