Sunday, February 16, 2014

End of Year 2 Sem 2

So... year 2 sem 2 has come to an end!
Which is also an end to all those annoying assignments that have piled up over such a short time span!

So as you can see, above is our class photo! :) -Sorry Siyun I took your insta photo cos I lazy upload-
Really like our class this year though, filled with fun memories. And with this, it also marks the end of the last day with Nigel in our class! T_T
So yup, after 4 semesters, below is the first ever photo I took with him solo! Haha, and I'm gonna stop with all the sad stuff cos although goodbyes are hard but still it's a blessing to have met him! :)

Of course, not to forget my other good friends in my class, thanks for being such awesome friends to me! ^^ Hehe, never enjoyed coming to school as much as I did in year 2 really! Had all the yummy (food), fun, and humorous times together! Hopefully more of that will come in year 3!
And on a side note, I would like to apologise to you guys cause being a very assignment and grade-driven person, I tend to push for things I think can score our projects an A. I don't mind working extra hard to get my grade, but I guess I succumb to stress and sometimes I get a little too snappy. I hope that your views on seeing me as a friend and as someone to work with can be seperated, because if I had a choice, I'd really want to be nice for everything, if grades weren't involved at all.